More and more individuals are working remotely, as we all implement measures to control the spread of COVID-19. Helpful reminders to keep personal data safe are listed below:
Have a Private or Quiet Working Space
Set up a place to work in your home that is quiet and private.
Ensure your computer, laptop, or device is used in a private space. Make sure you minimize who else can view your screen.
Remember only to take paperwork home that is necessary and authorized by our company policies.
Keep a record of which records and files you take home.
Ensure confidential or sensitive paper records are locked in a filing cabinet or drawer when not in use, dispose of them securely using a shredder, and follow your company's policies when documents are no longer needed. Make sure confidential or sensitive paper records are not left somewhere where they could be misplaced or stolen.
Remove or turn off any personal digital devices like Alexa, or Siri, from your workspace.
Safeguard your Mobile Devices
Keep your work devices, such as USBs, phones, laptops, or tablets locked in your private working space when not in use. Number and record your USB's, so you have a record of them.
Ensure your devices have the latest antivirus software and operating systems
Lock your device/log off all programs when you're going to leave it unattended and turn it off.
Use multi-factor authentication and strong passwords. If possible, try and use encryption to restrict access to the device.
Inform your employer immediately if a device becomes lost or stolen.
Using Email
Follow any applicable policies in your organization around the use of email.
Use only your work email accounts rather than personal ones for work-related emails involving personal data.
If you must use personal email, try to encrypt the content and attachments and do not include any personal or confidential data in subject lines. If possible, refrain from using identifiable information within the body of the email.
Before sending an email, always check that you are sending it to the correct recipient.
Cloud and Network Access
Review your company's policy around network use. Remember, you must remain compliant with all organizational rules and procedures.